
“Finish Strong: Cultivating the Habit of Completing What You Start”

Are you tired of starting projects but never seeing them through? You’re not alone! The good news is that finishing what you start is a skill you can practice and improve.

First, ask yourself why this goal matters to you. Dig deep to find your true motivation and use that to strengthen your commitment. Make completing the project as non-negotiable as brushing your teeth.

Next, set up accountability and consequences for yourself. Partner with a friend who is also working towards a goal and agree to regular check-ins. Consider putting money on the line that will go to a cause you don’t support if you don’t follow through. Make it fun but impactful!

Finally, don’t be afraid to seek out support. Hire a coach to help you identify limiting patterns and stay on track. Join a community of like-minded people striving towards similar goals. Cheer each other on and celebrate wins together.

Start small and build momentum. Break big goals down into bite-sized action steps. Focus on progress, not perfection. Each time you complete a small step, you prove to yourself that you CAN finish things. Keep showing up, stay committed, and lean on your support system. You’ve got this!

#goalsetting #productivity #finishwhatyoustart #progress #keepshowingup

Tech Guru, Science Fiction writer, coach and mentor

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