Author and science fiction writer. I’ve spent a long time working in technology. Born between worlds, growing up in north London in the late 60’s and 70’s, I’ve watched and participated in the rise of technology. I’m now embarking on a journey to turn a passion into creation and I invite you to join me.
I have recently release my debut novel. No Place For Flowers
I’ve had various stories or ideas for stories floating around in my head for decades. Recently I decided to let them out. Put them on paper, so to speak and see if they fly.
My first novel is an ecological science fiction story. It has nothing to do with planet earth or the sol system. Although of course it might speak to you of things closer to home. A team of young scientists fleeing for their lives, discover remarkable but often harsh truths about the known worlds, the cost of expansion and life on other planets.
If you are a fan of B V Larson, Dennis E Taylor or Randolph Lalonde this is going to be a book that will probably appeal to you.
If you like fast paced science fiction and don’t want to be left in the dark.
For updates please read my blog posts. Which you will find in the blog section of this website.
I’ve always enjoyed science-fiction. But I did not get into reading until after I left university. My love of reading started with ‘The Glass Bead Game’ by Hermann Hesse. Hesse introduced me to the idea that science-fiction could be great literature. I’ve read most of his works.
For me, stories are about enjoyment and escape. I don’t enjoy books with long flowery descriptions, so you won’t find these in my writing. I’d rather allow your imagination free rein. I like to keep the story flowing.
In the words of Paulo Coelho “And another advice that I would give is that keep it simple. Keep it simple. Trust your reader. He or she has a lot of imagination. Don’t try to describe things. Give a hint, and they will fulfil this hint with their own imagination.”
How well I do this? You can decide for yourself.
My debut novel is in the works, to find out when it’s available please sign up to my newsletter below.
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