woman sitting on the floor reading

Initial Draft

Having a story to tell is only the first part of creating a novel and to be honest much of the story has emerged during the writing process. I had some ideas and even so fully formed scenes in my head before I started, along with the general concept but to be honest I was just as surprised by some of the things I wrote as I hope my audience will be when they read it.

I’m now close to finishing my initial draft. Once that is done I will read through the novel looking for any inconsistencies or areas that need refining. The next stage will be to check for grammatical errors. Once that’s done I’ll hand it over to a few beta readers and wait for their feedback.

While writing the story, I’ve become fond of some of the characters but I don’t know if they are the characters in my head or the characters on the page. I’ve been enjoying the story as I’ve written it. And that was my primary goal; to write a story I enjoyed writing and would love reading. I’ve tried to keep it fairly simple, it’s my first novel after all, and complicated to write would also be more difficult to read. I’ve always enjoyed the work of Arthur C. Clark, I found them to be wonderful stories that were easy to read. I realise that’s a hight bar and only time will tell how well I’ve accomplished it.

Tech Guru, Science Fiction writer, coach and mentor

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