18 February

New YouTube Channel

the 1st video on my new YouTube channel Life Upgraded is now live. if you know anyone who’s into personal development please pass this on as I’m trying to build …

12 January


I was not happy with the first draft of my novel. I’m in the process of rewriting it. This mostly involves inserting a new character to make the story more …

woman sitting on the floor reading
11 August

Initial Draft

Having a story to tell is only the first part of creating a novel and to be honest much of the story has emerged during the writing process. I had …

10 August

Worms Everywhere

It turns out you can’t just write a novel. Well, you can but with around 2.2 million books being published a year if you want someone other than your family …

19 July

website make-over

It’s probably obvious, but I’m in the process of giving this website a bit of a make-over. I’m consolidating all of my sites into one and trying to get the …